Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Innovation, Emerging Technology and Opportunity

Only a few years ago, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Eric Schmidt (the head of Google) stated:

"[In the future], the Internet will disappear… you won’t even sense it, it will be part of your presence all the time.”

We are starting to see how this might happen. If you have Google Home, Windows with Cortana, an iPhone with Siri, or Amazon Alexa you are able to interact with the web using your voice, without having to start an app or even open a browser. The "internet of things" refers to the interconnection of devices to the internet and each other to allow them to streamline and enhance our lives. Examples of IoT devices include appliances such as refrigerators that can give you a grocery list, smart door locks, light switches, thermostats, etc. While these devices are connected to the internet and are leveraging the power of the Web in the background, we simply take them for granted and just "use" them.